Tasks & Terms of Reference

Tasks of The Committee

1- Reviewing all funded and unfunded research projects by faculty, post-graduate students, or students that involve the use of animal subjects, prior to the beginning of the research.

2- Ensuring that the submitted research protocol complies with the ethics of scientific research on living creatures adopted by Mansoura University.

3- Disseminating awareness of the importance of the committee’s work through seminars, meetings and conferences.

4- Standardizing procedures for work within the University.

5- Unifying the forms necessary to obtain the approvals from the sub-committees to conduct the research plan.

6- Communicate with the concerned authorities such as the Ministry of Higher Education and the State for Scientific Research, as well as the Supreme Council of Universities and the Academy of Scientific Research to put this issue in an area of ​​interest.

7- Communicate with the international bodies concerned with the activities of the Committee.

8- Reviewing the guidelines for the care of research animals in the facilities exist in or affiliated with Mansoura University periodically and carrying out inspection visits to animal shelters at Mansoura University to ensure their compliance with international standards.

9- Protecting and caring for the living creatures used in research and ensuring their safety through periodic review of the documents of laboratory procedures followed by the researcher.

10- Qualifying and training researchers on skills of animal handling and issuing official certificates stating the researcher’s eligibility to deal with animals.

11- Supervising the reconstruction of the integrated animal facility in terms of its compliance with the stipulated standards.

12- Ensuring the application of the general principles and standards necessary for dealing with living creatures or parts of them or their genetic material in the field of scientific research.

13- Educate the University community as to the responsibilities and duties of those conducting sound and ethical animal research.

14- Ensuring that research does not result in harm to society.

15- The Committee has the right to receive complaints after the approval of the protocol about any violation of the approval issued by the Committee during the conduct of the research and to make a report on this violation and submit it to the Vice Dean for Post-Graduate Studies on the relevant faculty.

16- In the case of conducting animal experiments outside Mansoura University, the researcher has to submit the necessary documents to ensure that the research procedures are carried out according to the aforementioned precautions, and the committee has the discretion to accept or reject the conduction of such research.


Terms of Reference of The Committee

The Mansoura University-Animal Care and Use Committee is responsible to set the general policy that achieves its objectives, and to develop the plans and strategies necessary to implement these objectives and to put them into practice, and in particular, it is concerning with:

1- Establishing the rules for the ethics of dealing with research animals.

2- Considering the problems presented to it related to the ethics of dealing with research animals.

3- Considering conflicts that may arise between researchers in matters related to the conduct of research on animals.

4- Organizing training courses for the faculty members and their assistants at the University faculties, researchers and post-graduate students.

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