♠  Required Forms


Please get the following documents ready before uploading you research proposal:

1- The research proposal prepared according to Guidelines of MU-ACUC.

2- An Authors' agreement form signed by the principal investigator (PI) and the Co-Principal investigators (Co-PI) in case of free research and research projects, and the postgraduate-student and his/her supervisors in case of Master and PhD/MD work, confirms that they will be taking parts in the proposed study and are aware of all information and procedures of the study protocol.

3- Animal House Approval or Head of the Scientific Department Approval in case of applicants of Faculty of Medicine ONLY.

4- A pdf copy of the payment receipt of the committee fees (Electronic paymnet) as follows:  

  • The applicants from the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry or Science have to contact Mr. Mohamed Hamada at the Faculty of Medicine, Main building - Ground floor - Institutional Research Board Office, to receive the payment receipt.
  • The applicants from the Faculties of Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine or Agriculture have to contact Mr. Mahmoud Bakr at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - First floor - Post-Graduate Studies Office, to receive the payment receipt.

♦ The title or the keywords of the proposal SHOULD be writtin on the payment receipt before uploading it to the committee. 

♦ Note that the approval letter is issussed from MU-ACUC in the name of the main author.

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